Celebrating Family Caregivers Month 2021

The team at Heritage AAA always looks forward to November, and not just because we’re excited for a delicious Thanksgiving meal. We love November because it’s National Family Caregivers Month!

NFCM is a time to recognize and honor family caregivers in our region and across the nation. Why is this so important?

Because with all that they give, it’s important that caregivers are cared for, too! Without them, millions of older adults wouldn’t be able to thrive as they age in the home and community they choose.

Their impact on older adults’ quality of life is tremendous all across the country. Right here in Iowa, a 2018 study found some huge numbers associated with family caregivers:

-          317,000: number of Iowans who are family caregivers

-          295 million: total hours of unpaid care these caregivers provide every year

-          $3.86 billion: the estimated economic value of their care

-          87 percent: the percentage of family caregivers who either quit their job or changed their work schedule to provide care

Caregivers have always been essential for the aging population, but the past two years have really highlighted their importance. The COVID-19 pandemic put a strain on caregivers who already go so far above-and-beyond, as the numbers above show.

Thankfully, help is here from Heritage’s Caregiver Support Program. If offers a range of support designed to meet caregivers where they’re at, from simple solutions like finding services in the community to long-term support through case management.

Caregivers answer the call for their loved ones 24/7/365. When the time comes that caregivers need some care themselves, Heritage will be here to answer their call.

Harrison March