
Public Notices Regarding Request for Proposals, Public Hearing

Dignity and independence in the home you choose

Heritage Area Agency on Aging is a non-profit organization providing innovative services and access to local resources that improve the quality of life for older adults, family caregivers and adults with disabilities.


What We Do

For more than 50 years Heritage AAA has provided services and funded community organizations that empower successful aging in the home you choose.

Heritage services are contribution-based, meaning you decide if you’d like to make a donation for services received. As a non-profit organization, all donations go right back into supporting our mission.


seniors served

Heritage helped more than 6,000 older Iowans in 2023



caregivers supported

Heritage helped nearly 800 caregivers of older adults along their caregiving journey last year



meals served

Heritage and its subcontractors served up more than 296,000 meals to older Iowans in 2023


Who We Serve

Heritage serves adults ages 60+, family caregivers and adults of any age living with a disability. The agency covers seven eastern Iowa counties: Benton, Cedar, Iowa, Jones, Johnson, Linn and Washington.

There are six Area Agencies on Aging in the state of Iowa covering all 99 counties. To find your local AAA, use the button below.


Meet Our Team

Led by Executive Director Barbara Werning and Board Chairman Keith Stamp, the team at Heritage is dedicated to serving Iowans in search of optimal aging.

Heritage Staff

The team that improves quality of life for thousands of Iowans every year

Board of Directors

Made up of current and former elected officials and accomplished leaders from our community